Oven Dried Leaf Spectra and Measured Traits from the Sierra Nevada (CA) in July 2023
Dried and ground reflectance measurements with traits measured on samples collected in the Sierra Nevada of California in July 2023 in areas with a significant drought and...Published. View in Search. -
Freeze Dried Leaf Spectra and Measured Traits from the Sierra Nevada (CA) in...
Dried and ground reflectance measurements with traits measured on samples collected in the Sierra Nevada of California in July 2023 in areas with a significant drought and...Published. View in Search. -
Fresh Leaf Spectra and Measured Traits from the Sierra Nevada (CA) in July 2023
Fresh leaf level reflectance measurements with traits measured on samples collected during a field campaign in the Sierra Nevada of California in July 2023 in areas with a...Published. View in Search. -
Leaf reflectance and traits of plants sampled along a water affinity...
This dataset contains leaf samples from plant communities commonly found in temperate wetlands, distributed along a gradient of water affinity, from aquatic to terrestrial...Published. View in Search. -
Drylands spectral libraries in support of EMIT
A selection of contact probe and leaf clip spectra collected for the EMIT spectral simulation work from various geographical locations. Datasets with label JORN were collected...Published. View in Search. -
Genetic and environmental effects on hyperspectral leaf reflectance in...
Leaf-level reflectance data from multiple genotypes nested within multiple populations each grown in 2-3 common gardens. Both population provenances and common garden locations...Published. View in Search. -
The hyperspectral dataset for typical aquatic vegetation
An in-situ hyperspectral reflectance dataset (spectral range: 350-2500 nm) of typical aquatic vegetation. The dataset includes the original, first-order differential and...Published. View in Search. -
Kalahari Ecosystem Endmember Set
Kalahari endmember set collected across a north-south rainfall gradient in Botswana.Published. View in Search. -
Intact- and ground-leaf litter spectra from Cedar Creek and Minneapolis
Reflectance spectra of leaf litter from the Forests and Biodiversity 1 experiment at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, as well as a residential property in Minneapolis. The...Published. View in Search. -
CABO Canopy-Level Spectra from Forest Sites
Continuum removed canopy-level spectra acquired by the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory in 2018 and 2019 over two forested sites in southern Quebec, CA. The dataset...Published. View in Search. -
Pressed-leaf CABO spectra from herbarium project v2
Spectra of pressed, intact (but not mounted) herbarium specimen-like samples collected from 68 species in multiple functional groups and ecosystems within Canada and Australia...Published. View in Search. -
Ground-leaf CABO spectra from herbarium project v2
Spectra of ground tissue from bulk leaf samples collected from 68 species in multiple functional groups and ecosystems within Canada and Australia as part of the Canadian...Published. View in Search. -
Leaf Spectra of subet genotypes of Wisconsin Diversity Panel
This data set was created under collaboration with Ge Lab at University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). Maize association panel was grown in Havelock Research Farm in 2020. In total,... -
CABO 2018-2019 Leaf-Level Spectra v2
Reflectance, transmittance, and absorptance spectra from projects conducted through the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory from 2018 to 2019. This data contains the...Published. View in Search. -
Fresh-leaf CABO spectra from herbarium project v2
Spectra of fresh leaf samples collected from 68 species in multiple functional groups and ecosystems within Canada and Australia as part of the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity...Published. View in Search. -
Tramline Hyperspectral Reflectance data
System Ecology Lab Bajada Site: Weekly ground reflectance data were collected along a 110-meter transect at a bajada site at the Jornada Basin LTER, southern New Mexico, USA.Published. View in Search. -
Plot level traits and their corresponding image spectra from the Western...
This dataset includes plot-level traits (foliar lignin, fiber, nitrogen, sugars, calcium, total phenolics, and leaf mass per area) collected along the Western Ghats of India in...Published. View in Search. -
Canopy spectra of boreal tree species from Alberta potted tree experiment
Canopy reflectance of six tree species that are commonly found in North American boreal forests. Data include measurements from six monocultures and three mix-stands. Trees were...Published. View in Search. -
Leaf spectra of boreal tree species from Alberta potted tree experiment
Leaf reflectance of six tree species that are commonly found in North American boreal forests. Trees were potted in 2.83 L deep pots in spring 2015 and repotted into 6.23 L pots...Published. View in Search. -
Hyperspectral data for measuring vegetation nutrients and canopy...
This dataset has hyperspectral data (i.e., 480 to 820 nm), vegetation nutrients and canopy photosynthesis data collected at the ecosystem-scale and from two dominant salt marsh...Published. View in Search.