##################################################################### Villa, P., Dalla Vecchia, A., Piaser, E., Bolpagni, R. Leaf reflectance and traits (pigments, structure, chemistry) collected along a gradient of water affinity, from aquatic to terrestrial species, in Mantua lakes sytem (Italy) covering different phenological stages ##################################################################### _____________________________________________________________________ Dataset connected to article: Villa, P., Dalla Vecchia, A., Piaser, E., Bolpagni, R. (2024). Assessing PROSPECT performance on aquatic plant leaves. Remote Sensing of Environment 301, 113926. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2023.113926 _____________________________________________________________________ Data Descriptions: Field name Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- ID unique sample ID that can be used to join traits and spectra data code leaf sample code relating to in situ plot where leaves were collected and measured USDAsymbol USDA code for macrophyte species sampled group community type along the aquatic-terrestrial gradient (Hydr=hydrophytes (floating and emergent aquatic vegetation); Ripar=riparian vegetation; Terr=terrestrial vegetation) year year of sampling (2021) month month of sampling (June=early vegetative season; July=peak of season) Pigments* Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- Chl-a Chl-a on leaf area basis (µg cm−2) Chl-b Chl-b on leaf area basis (µg cm−2) Car total carotenoids on leaf area basis (µg cm−2) Chl-a_Chl-b Chl-a to Chl-b ratio Chl_Car Chlorophylls to Carotenoids ratio *derived from spectrophotometric readings of absorbance of leaf extracts in acetone 80% Structure Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- Thickness** leaf blade thickness (µm) EWT equivalent water thickness, or water content on leaf area basis (g cm−2) LMA leaf mass per area (g cm−2) DMC dry matter content on leaf weight (g g-1) **derived from thin sections obseved with an optical microscope Chemistry*** Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- LNC Nitrogen content on dry weight basis (% dw) LCC Carbon content on dry weight basis (% dw) ***derived from combustion analysis using an elemental analyser Spectra --------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaf spectra were measured using a portable full range spectroradiometer (SR-3500, Spectral Evolution, Lawrence, USA), with a contact probe. During measurements, leaves were laid on a flat neoprene plate (reflectance factor < 5%) to minimize background reflection of light transmitted through the leaves. Leaf spectra were calibrated to reflectance using reflected radiance from a Spectralon panel.